A FLINTSHIRE mum is enjoying making memories with her son after achieving a massive weight loss. 

Jess Richards, is using her success to shape a whole new career helping other people change their lives and achieve weight loss success too.

Jess first joined Slimming World in 2019 and went on to lose three stone. She fell pregnant in 2020 and during this time gained all the weight she had lost and more.

After two years of being "miserable, unhealthy and uncomfortable in her own body" Jess finally took the first step back into a Slimming World group in January 2022.

She said: "Once my son was born I was in complete denial about my weight and how unhealthy I was.

"I always avoided having my photograph taken because I hated how I looked, which means I’ve got a very limited amount of photos with my son as a baby, which is now a massive regret."

After losing 4 stone 7lbs during her time with Slimming World, Jess is now taking over the group in Bagillt, hoping to help others on their journeys.

She added: “Support is really the most important thing, feeling you're not alone. Without the right kind of support it’s so easy to give up on yourself.

“As someone who has lost weight myself, I know the challenges people face, so when I heard my group in Bagillt was recruiting for a new Consultant I wanted to be able to support people in the way I’d been supported.

"Alongside the group, I can’t wait to support every single one of my members all the way to their target weight. Setting weekly targets, sharing recipes and working together to overcome challenges and most of all celebrating their success.


"Slimming World isn’t just about changing what you eat. Becoming more active is important too.

"I love to take my son to the beach, the Zoo, or even soft play it’s all body magic. I finally feel comfortable enough to take my son swimming because I now have the confidence to wear a swimming costume publicly.

"Before I would ask friends to take my son and I’d watch from the side, but not anymore now I’m the one making memories."

Starting from January 24, Jess will be taking over the Bagillt Slimming World groups held at The Blossoms Pub, High Street on Wednesdays at 5pm and 7pm and Thursdays at 8am and 10am.