A MAN has been fined and handed points on his driving licence after failing to properly communicate with police.

Florian Bogdan Climescu, of Scots Road in Mancot, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

The 37-year-old was to be sentenced after an offence of failing to give information relating to the driver of a vehicle on a date in May this year was proved in his absence.

Prosecutor Brian Robinson told the court that the vehicle in question came to the attention of police when it was clocked doing 35mph in a 30 zone.

A notice was sent to the registered keeper, Climescu, at his Mancot home address.

No response was received - and the same happened when a reminder was sent to him.

The Leader:

Mr Robinson told the court Climescu is currently banned from driving, having been handed a six month ban in November for two similar offences.

Defending himself at the hearing, Climescu made brief representations to the court.

He explained he works for Amazon, but following his recent disqualification his manager had put his work "on hold."


Asked if he will be able to work for the company in any other capacity, he said: "I hope, yes."

The court fined him £180 for failing to furnish the police with details, and ordered him to pay a £72 victim surcharge, as well as £110 costs.

He remains disqualified, and received six more penalty points on his licence.