A HOSPITAL patient who put his hands around a nurse's neck has been ordered to pay her compensation for the ordeal.

Ieuan Venables, of Grove Road, Wrexham, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 21-year-old admitted that on December 21 last year, he assaulted an emergency worker at Glan Clwyd Hospital.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at the time of the offence, Venables was an inpatient at the hospital's Ablett Unit, having been made the subject of a mental health act order.

At around 3pm on the day of the offence, he became "irate" and began to pull wires from the back of a TV in a communal lounge.

Ward manager Gaenor Lane saw the defendant, and feared he may come to harm, so attempted to guide him away from the TV.

But Venables turned around and put his hands around the victim's neck, squeezing and preventing her from breathing momentarily.

With the help of a colleague, the victim managed to restrain the defendant, who was "deemed to have capacity at the time."

Chris Dawson, defending, said: "He is a young man of previous good character who is gravely ill and has a number of mental health issues.

"Mr Venables is still detained under the Mental Health Act and that is going to be for the foreseeable future.

"If things work out, ultimately he hopes to have a phased return to community life, but that's a long way off.

"He tells me he believes his mental health is getting better but he still requires a huge amount of treatment and support."


On the offence itself, Mr Dawson added: "Mr Venables' motivation that day was not to harm anyone else - least of all Ms Lane.

"The only person he wanted to harm was himself and when he was prevented from doing that, he reacted.

"He said he became annoyed, but he realises he shouldn't have taken it out on her."

District Judge Gwyn Jones told Venables: "It is clear you used some significant force on the nurse, putting your hands on her neck.

The Leader:

"She didn't know what you were going to do and would have been extremely frightened."

The Judge took account of the defendant's previous good record and the fact he is being looked after under the provisions of the Mental Health Act, ultimately opting to fine him £200.

Venables must also pay £400 in compensation, as well as £85 costs.