At this time of the year, with Christmas just around the corner and with so much to do and so little time left before the big day, it can be easy to fall prey to online scams. 

This is especially true when shopping online for presents, festive essentials and those Christmas bargains we are all searching for.

But it’s important to remain vigilant to the dangers of online fraud and with this in mind, North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin and the Economic Crime Team at North Wales Police are calling on the public to take some simple steps to protect themselves from internet-based fraud. 

They are asking people to:

  • Stop – Take your time and think twice before clicking links or opening attachments.
  • Challenge – If you receive any contact that is unusual or unexpected, contact the individual or organisation to make sure it is genuine.
  • Check – Check your credit score and bank statements regularly to spot any irregularities.

Mr Dunbobbin said: “I am delighted to work with North Wales Police’s Economic Crime Unit on getting the message out there about how the people of North Wales can stay safe while shopping online this Christmas.

“Unfortunately, if an offer looks too good to be true, it often is. 

"At this time of year, especially with the financial pressure we are all under, it is easy to be tempted by a great deal online.

"But it’s vital when shopping online this Christmas that you take a couple of moments to Stop, Challenge, and Check. 

"If we all follow a few simple tips, we could all save ourselves a lot of trouble further down the line. 

"At Christmas, it’s important to remember that all that glitters is not gold!”

The Leader: North Wales PCC Andy DunbobbinNorth Wales PCC Andy Dunbobbin

Criminals regularly target victims who shop online, both as buyers and as sellers especially at Christmas, and there is a wide range of tactics criminals use to target their victims. 

This fraud type can include fake or cloned websites that are designed to mimic a legitimate company. 

Fraudsters may also set up companies offering inferior or counterfeit goods for sale online at high prices which may include fake reviews or unrealistic claims.

Auction sites are regularly misused by fraudsters in a number of ways, so it is always recommended that people check the auction sites payment policies before making any purchase. 

Consumers should be wary of any seller requesting a large deposit or even payment in full direct into their bank account, rather than using PayPal or other similar services.


Criminals can also contact their victims by sending official looking emails or text messages that appear to come from legitimate companies and organisations. 

These are designed to lure people in by promoting discounts or special offers, requesting they update their account details or advising there is a problem with bills or banking that they need to address.

Clicking on links in fraudulent emails may also result in a computer virus or malware being downloaded onto a person’s device so it is important to be wary, especially if the email or text message is unexpected.

PC Dewi Owen of North Wales Police’s Cybercrime Team, which forms part of North Wales Police’s Economic Crime Unit, said: “We want everyone to enjoy this festive period and simple steps like taking your time and thinking things through before you buy something or clicking on a link can stop you becoming a victim of a fraud. 

"Wherever possible use a credit card or PayPal-style payment system as these can offer additional protection when shopping online. 

"As stated by the Police and Crime Commissioner, if something looks too good to be true it often is.”

What if you suspect you've been targeted by fraudsters?

  • If you have given out your bank details, even if no money is missing, contact your bank immediately. 
  • They can then act to protect your account and replace your bank cards to prevent fraudulent transactions.
  • If you have lost money, you may be entitled to a refund from your bank under the Contingency Reimbursement Model. For details visit to see if you can make a claim.
  • If the fraud is in progress and there are suspects present report direct to North Wales Police on 101 or if it is an emergency dial 999.
  • Otherwise, you should report the matter to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or at Action Fraud is the national reporting centre for fraud across England and Wales.