PLANNING chiefs have been given delegated powers to grant permission for improvements to facilities at Wrexham Tennis Centre.

An application was submitted to Wrexham Council seeking permission for a range of improvements to the facility including the provision of three covered padel tennis courts in place of two existing tennis courts, and the resurfacing of existing tennis courts.

The plans also include the erection of LED floodlights, a canopy over the main entrance, and alterations to existing windows and doors, together with the installation of solar panels and electric parking stations.

The plans were discussed at Wrexham Council’s Planning Committee meeting yesterday (Monday, December 4).

The committee heard that initially, the plans had included permission for two additional tennis courts, however, Cllr Marc Jones (Plaid) for Grosvenor explained that following “positive interaction” with the Tennis Centre, the plans have been amended to omit the additional courts and he supports the plans.

There are concerns over lighting, and further information is needed on the ‘spill’, which means that a Public Protection Officer needs to confirm no objection to the additional external illumination.


Councillors voted in favour of the recommendation that the Chief Officer Economy and Planning be given delegated authority to grant planning permission which would be subject to the council’s Public Protection Officer confirming no objection to the additional external illumination.

It is also subject to the following:

  • Standard 5 year time limit for commencement of development;
  • The development be carried out in accordance with the submitted plans and Preliminary Ecology Appraisal; and
  • A scheme of planting and net benefit to biodiversity.