A Mayor has thanked residents and businesses for their hard work to keep her town vibrant and prosperous.

Mayor of Mold, Cllr Teresa Carberry, issued the message as she looked back on the town's highlights throughout 2023 - and shared her hopes for the coming year.

Cllr Carberry told the Leader: "This genuinely is a wonderful town.

"There's such a big community spirit here and I think that's why Mold is so successful.

"I'm constantly surprised to see how many groups have been set up to help people.

"And at this time of year, you can see everyone rallying round to make sure the food bank has plenty of food so everyone can have a wonderful Christmas.

"We have the community fridge as well - and it's things like that. People help each other in this town.

"If they see a need, they try and fill the gap."

Looking back over Mold's successes in 2023, Cllr Carberry said: "We have very few empty shops. Businesses are very supportive of each other in the town.

"And we have the jewel in the crown - Bailey Hill - which is going from strength-to-strength.

"It is used by a lot of people and is attracting visitors into the town.

"Our cemetery was nominated for an award as well - we got through to the semi-finals which we did well to do.

"There are lots of positive things happening in Mold - the town doesn't just rest on its laurels either.

"I like to think it's a very forward-looking town."

Cllr Carberry said she expects the town to continue going from "strength-to-strength" in 2024 and beyond, adding: "Mold has been cited as an example of a successful town and that's all because of the people living here and the businesses - and the vision they have.

"I'd like to thank those people and businesses. During covid and many times during the recent storms, we have seen people stepping up to help one another and the town."