A FLINTSHIRE town's first Christmas Market and light switch on event proved to be a huge success.

The event in Bagillt on Monday, November 27 was a project which has taken over 18 months to put together.

Fundraising events and meetings with Flintshire Council and local businesses have all been overseen by Cllr Bryn Gittins of the Bagillt Action Group.

He said: "The local business support has been phenomenal. Flintshire County Council have been very helpful throughout the whole process and North Wales Police have supported us with managing all our events safely.

"This event was an amazing success and just the start of something bigger for our village. The positive comments and appreciation from people were truly overwhelming."

Residents came out in their hundreds to see the performances, catch up with friends, do some Christmas shopping and celebrate the day Bagillt was illuminated.

Performances were put on by the Clocktower, Ysgol Merllyn and Ysgol Glan Aber, Holywell Brass Band, The Cambria Band and Philharmonics youth choir.

The Leader:

The lights were officially switched on by the Rev. Kathryn Evans along with Bailey Carrington of Ysgol Merllyn (left) and Reggie Hughes of Ysgol Glan Aber (middle).

Cllr Gittins added: "This day wouldn’t have happened without the amazing support from our Bagillt Community Volunteers, primary schools Ysgol Merllyn, Ysgol Glan Aber and local businesses."



Rev Evans said: "It was an absolute joy to be part of the Festive Christmas Lights afternoon and evening.  From the opening songs - thank you Clock Tower, through to our wonderful schools entertaining us and all the excellent performers who followed, not forgetting the brilliant bands, it was a real treat. 

"I spoke to so many people who said this was the best thing that had happened in Bagillt for years and it brought the community together in a fabulous way.  Huge thanks to all the stallholders, and volunteers who made it such a special event.  I caught up with lots of old friends and made new ones - here's to next year's."

Cllr Rob Davies said: "Absolutely Fantastic,  well done and thank you to all those who played any part in this  "Community-Fest at it's best". It was truly overwhelming seeing the amount of Community Support shown yesterday by so many, from babes in arms to Senior Citizens and local businesses who have been major players in it's massive success."

Cllr Josh Humphries of the The Bagillt Action Group said: "Christmas lights turn on was a huge success, seeing the Christmas markets bustling and community spirit thriving was incredible.

"One of the most touching things was seeing from the very young to the elderly fillled with joy, with comments like "we’ve never had anything like this", this is why the Bagillt community volunteers took the challenge on. I would like to thank residents Bagillt for a special night, also all the local businesses which, without their donations it would never have happened."