A MAN who led police on a dangerous high speed chase after "drinking heavily" has been put behind bars.

Peter Lee, of Fifth Avenue in Talacre, appeared at Caernarfon Crown Court on Friday for sentence.

The 48-year-old had pleaded guilty at a previous hearing to three offences; being in charge of a motor vehicle whilst over the alcohol limit, drink-driving and dangerous driving.

Amy Edwards, prosecuting, told the court that the 'drunk in charge' offence was the first to take place, on October 16.

Police were called out by a member of the public at around 2.40am after concerns were raised about a car parked at the side of the road with the engine running and lights on for a long period of time.

When officers arrived, Lee was asleep in the driver's seat with music playing and the engine on.

They woke him and noted he was slurring his words.


He gave a breath sample reading of 92 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - the legal limit being 35.

Then, whilst on bail, he committed the other two offences.

On October 24, at around 11pm, officers noticed a black Seat Ibiza accelerating through Llandulas and turning into a 20mph road.

The police pursued the vehicle, which was being driven by Lee, and activated their blue lights to signal him to stop.

But he didn't - he led the officers on a high speed chase, reaching speeds of up to 70mph in residential areas.

The Leader: Peter Lee (NWP)Peter Lee (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police)A police stinger was set out at the Black Cat roundabout - and despite deflating his tyres and losing control, Lee carried on through Llandudno Junction until he eventually crashed on Ronald Avenue.

He gave a breath sample of 87 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath that time.

The court saw footage of the chase, with Lee turning sharply into the path of one of the police cars at one point and colliding with it - a move Judge Timothy Petts said "isn't very impressive."

Ms Edwards told the court Lee had 15 previous convictions for 31 offences - three of which were for drink driving, and one for failing to provide a specimen.

Lionel Greig, defending, told the court: "The defendant appreciates that the court is likely to impose immediate imprisonment.

"I know the court will have had sight of the pre-sentence report. In it, there is clearly an issue in relation to the defendant and alcohol."

He said his client had suffered a "lapse" at the time of the offences and turned to drink.

"There have been issues with the death of his mum," he explained, "coupled with running his business.

"With the combination of those, he regrettably turned to alcohol.

The Leader:

"He knows that at 48 he shouldn't find himself before the court in the circumstances as seen in the video."

Judge Petts told the defendant: "Fortunately there wasn't much other traffic but [this pursuit] went on for a very long time and distance.

"You'd been drinking heavily for several days, covering both offences.

"I read that you've had a problematic relationship with alcohol over many years.

"You don't seem to be able to stop when you start and lose all self control and consequential thinking."

Overall, Lee was jailed for 15 months and was handed a five year driving ban (extended by 32 weeks to account for the custodial element of his sentence.)