A MAN who assaulted his ex-partner and then branded her a liar over it has been sentenced.

Sebastian Kozik, of Brushwood Avenue in Flint, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday for sentence.

The 48-year-old had admitted one offence of assault by beating at a previous hearing.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court the victim, Klaudia Kopec, is the defendant's ex-partner.

Despite separating a year prior to the offence, which took place on April 9, they continue to live together.

The issue in their relationship was Kozik's abuse of alcohol, Ms Jackson said - which often led to him shouting at her and calling her names.

On the day in question, she returned home to find him asleep in the kitchen, having apparently been drinking.

When she spoke to him, Kozik suddenly pushed her forcefully with a hand to her head.

There was no visible injury, but the point of contact was sore.

The defendant denied the offences when interviewed by the police, branding Ms Kopec a "liar" and claiming he had no issues with alcohol.

He maintained the stance until the day of his trial, when he entered a guilty plea - on the basis that the assault had consisted of a "forceful push."


Elzbeth Kenny, defending, said: "He has no previous convictions and the pre-sentence report says the likelihood of further general offending is low.

"There have been no further offences since April and Mr Kozik and Klaudia have resided together at the address in Flint.

"There have been no further repercussions. He is living in a separate bedroom."

The Leader:

Ms Kenny said her client remained at the family home to help co-parent his and Ms Kopec's child and to offer financial support.

District Judge Gwyn Jones handed down a 12 month community order with 15 days of rehabilitation activity, a 90 day alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement and 120 hours of unpaid work.

The Judge acknowledged that no amount of compensation would address the trauma the defendant had caused his victim, but ordered him to pay a nominal sum of £300 regardless.

He must also pay £300 costs.