A WARNING about 'three suspicious males' has been issued in a Flintshire town.

North Wales Police say that the three men were spotted walking outside a property on Sandy Lane late at night.

They then left the scene when they realised that they had been spotted on CCTV.

Residents are now being urged to follow the below advice issued by NWP:

  • Consider purchasing CCTV/a interactive doorbell for the property. 
  • Ensure all doors and windows are locked at night or when leaving the property. 
  • Ensure all valuables are locked away and out of sight (Bikes, garden machinery, power tools etc).
  • Consider purchasing security lighting for the property. 
  • Consider purchasing SmartWater (forensic marking kit) to ensure your property is traceable back to yourself should it get stolen. (North Wales Police currently have a discount code which takes to cost of a home security kit from £59 down to £25).


PCSO Owen Prentice of the NWP North Flintshire: "North Wales Police have received a report of three suspicious males walking around the outside of a property late at night before making off when realising they had been seen on CCTV.

"We are encouraging all local residents to consider the above security advice.

"If you would like any further information regarding property security or the discount code for the SmartWater please feel free to contact me via community alert or email - owen.prentice@northwales.police.uk."