A man's theft of shopping and a cat deterrent device had "no logic," a Judge said.

Callum Davies, of Bath Road, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 24-year-old admitted two theft offences, as well as failing to comply with supervision requirements.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that on August 3, Penycae resident Alan Brindley spotted three males outside his home.

One of them walked up and kicked a cat deterrent device he'd placed on his driveway some months previously.

The Leader:

The defendant then picked the item up and ran off with it.

Mr Brindley didn't know why the object had been stolen, the court heard.

Ms Jackson told the court that on September 25, the defendant attended Tesco in Wrexham.

He was caught on CCTV in the company of a female - with the pair selecting numerous items and placing them into a trolley.

The goods were worth more than £280.

After filling the trolley, the walked near to the exit, where they could be seen looking for an opportunity to leave.

Such an opportunity arose when a security guard was not looking, allowing Davies and the female to take the the trolley through a pedestrian gate.

Davies even lifted the front of the trolley over some sensors in an attempt to bypass security measures.

But the store's security team became aware of him "immediately."

Davies and his companion were challenged and initially tried to claim they'd paid for the goods - but then surrendered them.

Probation officer Andrew Connah told the court the defendant is currently subject to post sentence supervision after a period of custody earlier this year.

He told the court the defendant had been offered ten appointments, but only attended five.

In brief submissions to the court, Andrew Holliday, defending, told the court his client has one previous conviction for theft, which occurred in 2022.

"He entered a guilty plea at the earliest opportunity," he said, adding that Davies had been "very candid" about his failings on the post sentence supervision.

"He needs to do better and made not one excuse," Mr Holliday concluded.


"It was quite refreshing.

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "These thefts occurred a short while after you were released from custody.

"There was no logic for them."

Davies was made the subject of an 18 month community order with up to 35 sessions on a thinking skills programme.

He must also pay a fines totalling £150, costs of £85 and £18 in compensation to Mr Brindley for the cat deterrent device.