A WREXHAM woman found herself in the dock for her behaviour after being asked to leave a city centre pub.

Kay Brown, of Churchill Drive, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 29-year-old admitted that on July 11, at Charles Street in Wrexham, she used threatening or abusive words or behaviour.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court Brown's behaviour was captured on camera by Wrexham Council's CCTV team.

She was seen walking through the city centre, kicking out at a man and acting aggressively towards others.

The Leader:

It was a "sustained incident of aggression," Ms Jackson said.

When spoken to by the police the next day, Brown said she'd become angry after being asked to leave a pub and had taken issue with another female who wanted to confront her.

When police offered to show her the footage of her behaviour the previous night, she 'declined out of embarrassment.'

Brown told officers she'd had three vodkas and two pints prior to the offence.

Alun Williams, defending, told the court his client "unfortunately" didn't take the police advice to go home on the night in question.

He said: "She's currently unemployed but previously had a good job working at Kellogg's.

"She tells me she has a personality disorder."

Mr Williams said his client "has an issue when she drinks" and "tries to temper the amount."

He added his client had been "out of trouble for a lengthy period of time" and asked the court to take into account her timely guilty plea.

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "As Mr Williams was mitigating on your behalf, I was watching [the video of] your behaviour on the street.


"It is clear to me that you were not a happy person and were unable to regulate your emotions - lashing and kicking out at a person.

"Whatever the nature of your behaviour, it is clear that right-minded people on that street would be concerned for their own safety."

The Judge fined Brown £120 and ordered her to pay a £48 victim surcharge, as well as £85 costs.

"Please don't drink to excess," he told her.

"That obviously doesn't agree with you."