THE WREXHAM Wellbeing Hub has hosted an event to celebrate the launch of a new portal.

On October 19, the launch of the Prevention and Early Help Strategy and the new Wellbeing Portal was celebrated by the community.

Both are designed for children, young people and their families, bringing together the key agencies in Wrexham who can work alongside them.

The agencies all focus on the same priorities; mental and physical health, speech and language, family relationships, poverty and engagement with education.

The Wellbeing Portal, which can be accessed here, gives access to information, advice and support for children, young people and families and all who can work with them quickly and easily, and all in one place. 

There’s also a useful section where people can make an online request for support and a contact number for anyone having difficulty in using the portal.

Support will be available through the Portal from a number of partner organisations who work in Wrexham supporting children and families with all the issues above.  

The portal is currently live to support families affected by disability and as the project progresses the Portal will expand to include support with parenting, housing and tenancy support, education support and all the other areas needed for families to give children the best start in life. 

Lead Member for Children’s Services Cllr Rob Walsh, who formally opened the event, said: “This is a really exciting project. The wealth of advice, information and support that will be available in one place will make finding the right advice much quicker and easier and have a positive impact on users of these services.”

Over 60 people attended the event.


The welcome was given by the mayor, Councillor Andy Williams and speakers from Betsi Cadwaldr University Health Board, The Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham, Dynamic and different departments of the council.

They each stressed how important good preventative services are for families in Wrexham and how crucial it is that agencies all work well together. 

A parent, Rebecca and a young person, David, both spoke movingly about their experiences of encountering challenges in their own lives and about how receiving support from preventative services had made all the difference to them in turning things around for the better.