A WOMAN has been spared jail after attacking four workers, as well as setting her bed on fire and smearing faeces on the walls at Wrexham Maelor Hospital.

Melodi Wynne, of no fixed abode, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday morning for sentence.

The 33-year-old had previously pleaded guilty to four counts of common assault, all of which were committed against staff at Wrexham Maelor Hospital.

She'd also admitted criminal damage at the hospital, as well as arson.

The assaults and their victims were Emma Shaw on October 1, Abigale Lewis on October 10 and Manon Edwards and David Worthington on October 12.


Prosecutor Rebecca Kuipers told the court that on the later date, Wynne was not allowed to leave her room as she'd been sectioned - but she tried to go out for a cigarette.

As staff tried to restrain her, a 'scuffle' ensued. her behaviour took a "turn for the worse" when she got behind an office desk and had to be removed, resulting in staff attempting to restrain her.

Wynne responded by spitting at Ms Edwards and Mr Worthington.

The court heard the defendant had 'lashed out' at Ms Shaw, causing her to lose her balance and fall - hitting her heard.

And the assault against Ms Lewis had seen Wynne kicking out, causing the victim to fall and strike her elbow.

Wynne caused damage by setting fire to her bedding on October 8 and smeared faeces on the walls at the hospital on October 10.

Melissa Griffiths, defending, told the court her client went into the Ablett unit at Glan Clwyd Hospital on August 22 due to substance misuse issues, before being transferred to the Heddfan Unit and then a closed ward at Wrexham Maelor.

"She remained there until October 12 when she was arrested," Ms Griffiths said.

"She did take an overdose on or around October 1 and this seems to have been what led to the first assault on October 1 against Emma Shaw.

"Ms Wynne has very little recollection of that.

"She was initially in a coma after the overdose and it was in the after-effects of that that the assault took place.

"She accepts she set fire to various objects in her room on October 8, which forms the arson charge.

The Leader:

"Ms Wynne began living as a woman three years ago and hopes to transition when the opportunity arises.

"She has spent nearly three weeks on remand and that is tough for any new prisoner - and anyone who has no experience of a custodial setting.

"She has a fractured relationship with her family but has a fairly strong and stable network of friends that she could stay with if released today.

"She is also having contact with the substance misuse services and has been clear of illegal substances since her admission to the Ablett unit."

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "You're to be sentenced for a number of offences which occurred whilst you were being held at Wrexham Maelor Hospital.

"Your behaviour was wholly inappropriate towards members of staff who were trying to care for you and doing their duty in providing nursing care to those who are not well.

"On a number of occasions you were out of control and had difficulty in managing your emotions to such an extent that you used unlawful force against staff.

"Your behaviour meant you also caused damage on two occasions - by smearing the walls and setting fire to the bedding, which could have potentially caused a significant amount of trouble and trauma."

Wynne was handed a total custodial term of 16 weeks - but it was suspended for a year.

She must pay compensation of £100 to each of her assault victims and £200 compensation to Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, as well as £85 costs.

No requirements were attached to the suspended sentence, with the Judge telling Wynne: "I am satisfied you can access the relevant support you need within the community without the need for any statutory intervention."