YOUTHS in a Flintshire town have been throwing stones and other objects at cars and homes, police say.

North Wales Police said there have been recent incidents involving youths throwing soil, stone and other objects at cars and homes across Holywell, resulting in damage being caused.

PCSO James King said: "We take this matter seriously and want to address it promptly.

"If you happen to witness any of these incidents or have information about those involved, we kindly request your assistance.

"Your vigilance and cooperation are crucial in helping us maintain the safety and integrity of our community. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any information you may have."


He added: "We are committed to working together to ensure the security and well-being of all our residents. By reporting such activities, you can play an essential role in preventing further incidents and fostering a safe environment for everyone."

Holywell has been a town beset by anti-social behaviour in recent years - with police regularly issuing statements on it. 

There have been dispersal orders issued and police have said patrols have been increased in the area as a result.