A WREXHAM man who was caught more than three times the drink-drive limit has lost his licence.

Anthony Howkins, of Stryt Maelor in Bwlchgwyn, appeared for sentence at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 42-year-old had previously admitted drink driving and failing to attend court, and had been found guilty after trial of failing to provide information relating to the identification of the driver to the police.

Justin Espie, prosecuting, told the court that on August 31 this year, concerns were raised with police about a BMW being driven at Y Maes in Pwllheli.

The vehicle was spotted leaving a garage and was subsequently stopped.

The driver, Howkins, gave a sample of breath and was subsequently arrested.

In custody he gave a reading of 117 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - the limit being 35.

Mr Espie added that with regards to the identification issue, two notices had been sent to him as the registered keeper of a vehicle and he did not reply.

He subsequently entered a not guilty plea to the offence and did not attend his trial - with the offence being proven in his absence.


Probation officer Andrew Connah told the court: "Mr Howkins accepts full responsibility for this offence and tells me the vehicle he was driving on the occasion means a great deal to him.

"It was his mother's - who recently passed away and made him promise to look after it for her.

"He hadn't intended to drive on that day and thought he was on private property.

"He tells me he meant to move the car to a place it could be picked up by a breakdown company, but knows he was wrong to have driven that day."

Mr Connah told the court Howkins is a bricklayer who has issues with alcohol consumption.

He continued: "He fully accepts he is an alcoholic and he needs half a bottle of vodka a day just to function.

"He can't really work if he hasn't had alcohol."

Howkins, who defended himself at the hearing, told the court he'd been through a "bad relationship" and had experienced a "midlife crisis."

He told District Judge Gwyn Jones: "[Mr Connah] is 110 per cent correct, I have struggled in the past year or so.

"I am just asking for some help to make a fresh start.

"I am a genuinely caring person and all I want is a second chance.

"If you can give me a path to take, I'll take it - I will do whatever it takes.

The Leader:

"I just want to get on the right track. This is so difficult."

The District Judge handed down a 12 month community order with 10 days of rehabilitation activity and a six month alcohol treatment requirement.

Howkins received a fine of £100 for the drink-driving, and a further £100 fine for failing to attend court on October 3 in Caernarfon.

A further fine of £200 was handed down for failing to identify the driver of a vehicle, along with £620 costs and an £80 victim surcharge.

The defendant was banned from driving for 28 months.