By Lesley Griffiths

MS for Wrexham

Happy birthday to the Wrexham Hospital League of Friends who are celebrating their 55th anniversary.

As well as running the hospital shops, the League of Friends aim to raise valuable funds for the Maelor Hospital. This year alone the group has donated more than £300,000 to enable the hospital purchase specialist equipment that otherwise would be unavailable or unaffordable.

This landmark anniversary is particularly important as the past few years have arguably been the most challenging in the charity’s history. All our lives were drastically affected by the global coronavirus pandemic. Charities were restricted and many were forced to think of new ways to fundraise with traditional revenues severely hampered. Thankfully, the League of Friends persevered and praise must go to all the trustees and volunteers.

I was honoured to be asked to write a piece for their commemorative brochure which is being published to mark the special occasion. I am sure the charity will carry on providing an invaluable service to the Maelor Hospital and the people of Wrexham for many years to come.

In a previous column I mentioned this year marks Macmillan Cancer Support’s 33rd annual Coffee Morning event.

The charity’s flagship fundraiser offers the chance for people to get together every year and collectively raise millions of pounds to help combat cancer.

Welsh Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for Wrexham, Andrew Ranger and I recently hosted our own Macmillan Coffee Morning at Acton Community Resource Centre.

Thank you to everyone who supported and attended – we raised £238 for a very worthy cause.

As the schools break up for half term, Morrisons are running an initiative with Warburtons to support families through what could be a difficult period.

From today (30 October) through to Sunday 5 November, adults and children who ‘ask for Ellen’ will receive two toasted crumpets with butter and jam for free at the Morrisons café in the Wrexham store, while stocks last.

Many people are struggling to make ends meet and this latest initiative is part of the supermarket’s continued efforts to help colleagues, customers and communities through the cost-of-living crisis.

As always, if you’re a constituent in Wrexham and there is something I could help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me via email: or call my office: 01978 355743.