NORTH Wales Police have issued a reminder that 'any dog can be dangerous' when in the wrong hands, amid the ongoing debates over the XL Bully breed.

That type of dog has hit the headlines on a number of occasions recently, following attacks across parts of the UK.

Primer Minister of the UK, Rishi Sunak announced that American XL Bully dogs will be banned by the end of the year.

Restrictions will be placed on the breed to “safely manage” them once a ban comes into force.

Mr Sunak says the first step of the move to ban American XL bullies will see police, vets and other experts helping to define the breed.

Then the consultation will take place on the ban which will come in by the end of 2023.

But, this week, North Wales Police have issued a reminder that 'any dog' breed can be dangerous when placed in the 'wrong hands'.

The force issued a leaflet via its social media channels calling for 'responsible' dog ownership throughout the region.


A statement from North Wales Police's Wrexham Rural team read: "Whilst a lot of the media focus lately has been on XL Bully's, it is worth noting the information attached for safe and responsible dog ownership.

"Any dog, regardless of their breed or 'type' can be dangerous in the wrong hands or situation."

The leaflet on their social media pages reminds north Wales residents that 'it is against the law to let a dog be dangerously out of control anywhere'.

It further adds that any irresponsible dog owner could be 'prosecuted, face up to six months in prison and be given a fine of up to £5,000'.

The Leader: PIC: The leaflet posted to social media by North Wales Police.

The leaflet, which has been put together by the force, reads: "If your dog bites somebody, in or outside of your home, you may be prosecuted and sent to prison for up to five years for causing injury and up to six months where no injury has been sustained.

"The court also has the power to order the dog to be destroyed, disqualify you from owning or keeping dogs and order you to pay a substantial compensation to the victim."

It also adds that, if your dog were to attack a guide dog, you can be sentenced to three years in prison or fined.

Meanwhile, attacks on postmen could even see deliveries to your address suspended.

All dog bites/attacks must be reported to police, regardless of how serious they are, via 101 or 999 in an emergency.