NINE new homes could be built on the site of a pub in Wrexham.

The council has received a planning application seeking to build a residential development at the sports and social club site in Bersham.

Plans have been drawn up by Blueprint Architectural Services on behalf of Rossett-based Trialwalk for the potential development on Bersham Road.

A design and access statement outlines the details for the proposal, which states that the public house is struggling to remain profitable.

It says: “The club currently occupying the site has struggled for several years to create a profitable business, the location and population in the area seemingly having an effect on users of the facility.

“Due to the site lying within the settlement boundary of the village, to maximize the potential of the site it was decided to introduce a residential development of nine detached properties.”

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According to the plans the site is next to the conservation area of Bersham but lies outside of the marked area. It is currently occupied by a flat roofed structure which was formally the Royal Legion, prior to being sold to a private company.

The design and access statement adds: “The appearance of the dwellings is intended to respect the area and add to the character of the area, something the existing building occupying the site does not.

“During the course of the design stage, the location of the site was discussed and viewed as an important site when entering the village of Bersham. For this reason, it was key for us to create an interesting street scene by having varied designs.

“The dwellings are to be sympathetic to the surrounding properties, the addition to the design of brick coins and render will produce a superb street scene and have an aura of importance and sophistication, constructed using high quality materials sourced locally to support the local economy.”

Although Wrexham does not currently have a Local Development Plan (LDP) in place, the applicants say this proposal complies with the previous Unitary Development Plan (UDP).

“We feel this planning application should be looked favourably upon and granted permission as we feel there are no justifiable reasons for refusal.

“The public house is deemed as an unviable use for the site. Several opportunities to allow the business to prosper have been provided with the business proving it isn’t a viable option for the site any longer.

“By agreeing to nine dwellings on this parcel of land the local authority would be able to reduce the deficit of required new homes in the county borough.”

Wrexham Council planners will make a decision on the application at a future date.