ACCORDING to estimates by Go.Compare Car Insurance, lowering speed limits on Britain’s restricted roads to 20mph could reduce the number of speeding collisions by 74%.

As of September, the majority of residential roads in Wales have been changed from 30mph to 20mph.

The Welsh Government says the move will help 'save lives', but it has been met with great criticism with over 460,000 people signing a petition opposing the change. 

Although the lowered limits have drawn a significant amount of criticism since their widespread implementation in Wales, the comparison site’s figures suggest that they could greatly benefit road safety in the long run.

The research noted that 55,798 collisions occurred on 30mph roads in Great Britain in 2021. Concerningly, this is equivalent to 55% of the total number of collisions (101,087) across the country. It’s estimated that 3,906 of these collisions were caused by drivers exceeding the speed limit.

In comparison, there were just under 15,000 collisions on 20mph roads, representing only 15% of all collisions in the country. The estimates show that just 1,034 of these were caused by exceeding the limit, almost three-quarters less than the number on 30mph roads.


As part of the research, Go.Compare also reviewed the impact 20mph limits could have on car insurance policies.

The comparison site revealed that if all speeding collisions resulted in a claim, just under £13 million would have been paid out by insurers as a result of collisions on 30mph roads in 2021.

For 20mph roads, this would have been just £3.4 million, approximately. Overall, this is equivalent to an estimated £9.5 million less in claims that insurers may have paid out for collisions on 20mph roads compared to 30mph roads. 

Tom Banks, car insurance expert at Go.Compare, said: “Although there are currently many more 30mph roads than 20mph roads, our estimates highlight that reduced limits have the potential to significantly reduce the number of speeding collisions. So, while the reduced speeds have been unpopular among drivers since their introduction, they could improve safety for all of us in the long run.

“There could also be substantial financial benefits to introducing slower speeds, as fewer collisions likely means fewer insurance claims. According to our figures, there may have been a difference of £9.5 million paid out due to speeding collisions on 20mph roads compared to 30mph roads, so millions are being saved in claims alone.

“If insurers are paying less in claims, then this could have a knock-on effect on premiums, meaning that we may be able to get cheaper cover for our vehicles long-term. However, it’s too early to say for certain whether this actually transpires.”