A WOMAN who drove her car down a ditch and then failed to provide a sample of breath to police has lost her licence.

Sandra Ferreira, of Strawberry Fields in Great Boughton, Chester, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday for sentence.

The 49-year-old had previously admitted failing to provide a specimen of breath for analysis for police.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on August 26, at around 11pm, North Wales Police received reports of a vehicle being "driven poorly" on the A483 in Wrexham.

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Similar calls had been received by Cheshire Police, he said.

The vehicle was located by officers 20 minutes later and was described as travelling "very slowly."

It pulled into a large layby where it mounted a kerb and carried on into a grass ditch, where it came to a stop on its side.

The driver, Ferreira, continued to press the accelerator in an effort to drive off, but she was pulled from the vehicle and arrested.

After being taken to Llay custody facility, she failed to provide a sample of breath for analysis.

In mitigation, the court heard Ferreira "did try" to provide a sample, but "for one reason or another she can't explain - she failed to complete the procedure."

The Leader:

The court heard she is "under a lot of pressure" as she works three jobs and has had to take public transport to them since her interim ban was imposed in September - something she has found very difficult and expensive.

Ferreira has been "extremely upset and stressed" about the situation, the court was told, and is "very remorseful" for her actions.

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District Judge Gwyn Jones was asked to take into account that Ferreira had entered her guilty plea at the first opportunity, and so was entitled to full credit.

The Judge told Ferreira: "There was a high level of impairment, in that there was a poor standard of driving spanning two counties of Cheshire and Wrexham.

"I reflect your personal mitigation, namely that you're a person with no previous convictions who has shown remorse and is in full time employment holding three jobs with a view to making ends meet."

Ferreira received a 12 month community order with 10 days of rehabilitation activity and a £250 fine.

She must also pay £85 costs, as well as a £114 victim surcharge, and received a 30 month driving ban.