NORTH Wales Police say they are expecting a busier than usual Halloween and Bonfire Night period this year.

The force has issued a warning regarding anti-social behaviour in the lead-up to the Autumn events, encouraging residents to act responsibly.

They've said that whilst this is a fun and exciting time of year for many, it can leave many members of the community feeling anxious, intimidated and fearful.

Every year police forces encounter problems with anti-social behaviour, so North Wales Police are urging parents and carers to take an interest in their children’s plans to ensure they’re acting responsibly and not causing issues in the community.

The consequences of anti-social behaviour and criminality can have a long-term impact on a young person’s life, and on those affected by their actions.

#OpBang is an annual campaign whereby partners and local authorities will be working together to help reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour over the coming weeks.


In preparation for #OpBang, officers from Neighbourhood Policing Teams across North Wales have been engaging with young people in schools and youth clubs, organising diversionary activities with the help of funding from the Police and Community Trust (PACT).

Work over the period will also include promoting key messages about being considerate and respectful to all members of the community and reinforcing that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated, as well as safety messages for children.

Shopkeepers are also being encouraged not to sell flour and eggs to unaccompanied children in the days running up to October 31.

Inspector Geraint Richards of North Wales Police said “We hope that this year, as has been the case on previous years, people take a responsible attitude to Halloween and Bonfire Night.

"We know the majority of people enjoy this time of year sensibly and we are not out to spoil their fun but unfortunately there is a minority who are intent on causing problems and use the festivities as an excuse to commit crime and act anti-socially. We want to work with our communities to ensure that they can enjoy themselves safely.

“Our teams, alongside partners, will be out and about across the region – helping to educate, reassure and keep our communities safe. To stay updated and to help with our engagement, please register to receive Community Alerts – Home - North Wales Community Alert

Demand on emergency services rises significantly during the Halloween and Bonfire period.

To help us keep lines free, the force has asked the public to ensure they're contacting the most relevant agency and using the most appropriate means of contact.

Inspector Richards added: “We have designed posters for people to display in their windows, and I would encourage you all to download these from our website and print for elderly relatives or neighbours. If you see a poster being displayed asking for trick or treaters not to call, please respect their request to be left alone.”