A WREXHAM man who threw a wooden tray at his partner's head during an argument - and drew blood - has been spared jail.

Stuart Evans, 36, of Bangor Road in Johnstown, appeared before Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Thursday, October 12.

He previously pleaded guilty to one count of wounding/inflicting GBH without intent and two of criminal damage during a Plea and Trial Preparation Hearing on August 11.

Karl Scholz, prosecuting, said that the offences were carried out on Evans' then-partner Lauren Price, their home and their car.

The pair had been in a relationship for 'six or seven years' and had two children, the court was told.

Mr Scholz added that the defendant had been 'violent from the early stages' of the relationship.

On March 12 of this year, Evans and Ms Price had been in their bedroom and a discussion about money turned into an argument.

During this incident, the defendant threw a wooden tray at Ms Price's forehead with such force that it drew blood and 'exposed bone'.

He had however apologised and taken her straight to A and E immediately after, the court was told.


The criminal damage charges in the case relate to incidents which took place on June 16 of this year, Mr Scholz explained.

Evans and Ms Price had been in the kitchen of their home and the same argument arose about money.

He had told his then-partner to 'f*** off' before making further nasty comments.

Ms Price left but the defendant followed to the car, where he began to attack the vehicle.

He punched the wing mirror off, as well as causing damage to a headlight and smashing the windscreen of the car.

He then proceeded to go back into the house, where he damaged a bedroom door, a wardrobe, the walls and a plant pot.

He also wrote the word 'rat' on the kitchen counter, as well as other insults on the TV screen and the bedroom door.

Evans was arrested and accepted causing the injury to Ms Price and the damage to the vehicle at interview.

Mr Scholz said that Ms Price has since pleaded with the courts not to send Evans to prison.

Instead, she insisted that he should 'get help with his anger management' and 'alcohol treatment'.

James Coutts, defending, said that Evans was 'ashamed' and 'remorseful' for what he had done.

He said: "He recognises the seriousness of it and that what he did was wrong."

Judge Timothy Petts labelled Evans' actions as 'disgraceful' but conceded that there was a 'realistic prospect of rehabilitation' in this case.

The judge added: "Drink is clearly an issue and at the heart of some of these disagreements."

Passing sentence to reflect the 'overall picture' of Evans' offending, the defendant was handed a sentence of 12 months, suspended for 21 months.

He will also be subject to an alcohol monitoring requirement programme for 120 days, will have to complete 80 hours unpaid work and 15 days of rehabilitation activity requirements.

He will also have to pay £500 in compensation to Ms Price.