THE FOUNDER of a Flintshire dog rescue charity is warning against buying dogs from unregistered breeders - as she cares for a five-year-old English bulldog which has given birth to up to eight litters of puppies.

Dawn Ann Taylor, who runs Skylor’s Animal Rescue in Dobshill, near Buckley, is taking care of Phoebe, the bulldog, who is already suffering from arthritis after being kept on a puppy farm before being abandoned on the streets.

Phoebe’s pups could have been worth over £5,000 each on the market but inbreeding to enhance her powerful physique has left her unable to give birth naturally so each delivery would have been by caesarean section.

Dawn said: "Phoebe came to us as a stray and she was either a puppy farm dog or a back yard breeder and has given birth several times and each would have involved a caesarean section but she is a lovely natured dog and would make an excellent pet for an older person because she doesn’t need a great deal of exercise.

“Dogs like her are really exploited and she could have had as many as eight litters and then just been dumped on the streets."


Dawn added: “That’s why it’s important that people buy their pets from reputable dog breeders who will take proper care and they should make sure they see where the dog has been kept and see the parent dogs as well if possible.

“There are plenty of these backyard breeders and puppy farms here in North Wales where the dogs are kept in horrendous conditions and just exploited because of the high prices they can get for puppies now."

Denbigh-based self-storage giant Lock Stock, who opened a new storage park in Buckley 12 months ago, have stepped up with a donation worth £500 for the charity which has rehomed almost 200 dogs since she founded it six years ago.

Dawn said: “I’m really grateful for the support from Lock Stock and others which help me keep going as I’m currently looking after 13 in addition to six dogs of my own and four more which are being fostered."

She added: “You should make sure you get a puppy from a reputable breeder who will have bred for temperament and health or get a rescue dog."

“There should be a law against these unscrupulous breeders and against the people who breed greyhounds for racing and if they aren’t good enough they just bin them off.”

Lock Stock Area Manager Rob Jones said: “We are delighted to help Dawn and Phoebe. We like to get involved with charities and local organisations in the places where we operate and since we opened in Buckley we have also helped out a local school and a food bank.

“As a family we always kept dogs and really appreciate what wonderful companions they are.

“Phoebe is a sweet and friendly dog and we’re delighted to help Dawn and the Skylor’s charity."