A COUNCIL WORKER has given a passionate speech calling on Wrexham Council to 'invest' in the people 'doing the hard work to keep Wrexham going' amid strike action.

Earlier this week, Unite confirmed that industrial action is set to continue in Wrexham for a further six weeks.

Workers are already undertaking five weeks of strike action resulting in huge disruption to council services, in particular refuse collections.

Unite members have previously overwhelmingly rejected the local authority employers’ pay offer of just £1,925, a real terms pay cut for workers.

When the current three weeks of previously announced strike action ends on October 13, workers will remain on strike for a further six weeks, until November 24 in Wrexham.

The announcement from Unite came on the same day Wrexham Council called on the union to end the strike action, with discussions set to take place later this week. 

Wrexham Council adds that the 'national pay offer this year is currently £1,925', which is approximately an 8-9 percent increase for those on lower pay grades.

But, one council worker has spoken to Unite to tell them that people are 'just absolutely fed up'.

Christina Bate added: "Twenty/thirty years ago, a job in the council meant a job for life. It meant good wages, it meant good pension, it meant good sickness, good holidays, it meant a secure job for people to be able to raise a family, to live a decent life.

"And now it's the complete opposite. It has been really sad to hear people struggling.

"It's not even a case of people saying, I can't go on holiday or I can't go for an extra meal out, it's people giving up on basics, and that's what's really quite concerning.


"I would say for the past sort of ten or so years, people have really been feeling the pinch, but this past year or two has really taken it to the next level and I think Unite members here in Wrexham have been left with absolutely no choice but to go on strike.

"It feels more important than ever and I think the reaction from councillors and the reaction from council officers, has been disappointing to say the least.

"People on Wrexham Council really need to wisen up to what really matters. If you want people to be proud of Wrexham Council, want people to be proud of Wrexham, they need to invest in the people that are doing the hard work to keep Wrexham going.


"Give council workers the fair pay, give them the fair deal that they are asking for and give them the wages they deserve for the hard work that they do.

"That's the only way you're going to get people back in work is to give people the respect they deserve.