A NON-PROFIT group is launching free cooking workshops in Flintshire, as part of its commitment to reducing waste and promoting sustainable living.

In partnership with Community Fridge, based at Refurbs Flint, Refurbs are launching 'Making Food Go Further' sessions for the local community.

These workshops will provide learning opportunities for participants to make tasty meals from things commonly found in their fridge and store cupboards rather than them going to waste.

Attendees will join a cooking demonstration and receive a goody bag of items from the Community Fridge, which can include cupboard essentials to take home and use.

Staff at Refurbs Flint: Rebecca Jones, Olita McKeon, Jo Prandle and Amy Cleary.

Staff at Refurbs Flint: Rebecca Jones, Olita McKeon, Jo Prandle and Amy Cleary.

Katy Turner, café and conference manager, said: "We believe everyone can play a part in reducing food waste, and these workshops are a great way to empower people to do just that.

"We hope the cooking workshops will inspire individuals and families to waste less food and use more sustainable options."

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The workshops have been made possible thanks to funding from the landfill Disposal Tax Scheme administered by WCVA.

Cooking demonstrations will take place at Refurbs Flint and Refurbs Buckley

• October 18, Refurbs Flint, Aber Road, CH6 5EX, noon-1pm

• October 18, Refurbs Buckley, 9 Brunswick Road, Buckley, CH7 2ED, 3pm-4.30pm

• December 13, Refurbs Flint, Aber Road, CH6 5EX, noon-1pm

• December 13, Refurbs Buckley, 9 Brunswick Road, Buckley, CH7 2ED. 3pm-4.30pm

• November 15, Refurbs Flint, Aber Road, CH6 5EX, noon-1pm

• November 15, Refurbs Buckley, 9 Brunswick Road, Buckley, CH7 2ED, 3pm-4.30pm

In addition to the workshops, Refurbs want to remind the community about the Community Fridge at Refurbs Flint. This is a safe and accessible space where people can receive food items that would have otherwise gone to waste.

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Amy Cleary, operations manager at Refurbs Flint, added: "The Community Fridge is a great example of how we can come together to reduce food waste and support each other.

"I'm most looking forward to the cooking workshops because by learning how to make the most of the food we have, we can reduce our impact on the environment and save money in the process."

Booking for the workshops is now open and can be done by contacting events@refurbs.org.uk