A WREXHAM Thai noodle bar has been nominated in the Welsh Restaurant Awards 2023.

Try Thai Shop and Noodle Bar is delighted to announce its nomination for the Welsh Restaurant Awards in the category of Noodles Restaurant of the Year.

The family-run business is managed by Gwyn Ingman from Wales and his wife Jira from Thailand who started the venture together as a food shop back in 2008. 

Now a Noodle Bar, the business relocated from Chester Street to its current location of St Georges Crescent in Wrexham.

The new bar quickly gained more interest than the shop as they have authentic Thai chefs and a unique flavour served casually in a noodle pot, ready to go.

Gwyn said: "A nomination came through out of the blue from the Welsh Restaurant awards under the category of Noodle Bar.

"We are happy to be included. Lots of customers tell us they think we are the best noodle bar around. Many travel from other towns for our food."

Nominations for the second Welsh Awards are now open.


The Welsh Restaurant Awards 2023 aim to celebrate, promote and encourage independent restaurants who delight their customers with everything from food to experience, customer service and, of course, the effort put into the building and restaurant industry across Wales.

The company moved to the current location back in 2014 and business tripled overnight. 

Gwyn continued: "We now have both our shop and noodle bar in the one location and they complement each other wonderfully."