Wrexham has been named the WORST city for cyclists in the UK, according to a new study.

The study, conducted by bike insurance experts ProtectMyBike, analysed key factors crucial to a cyclist's well-being, including air quality, bike thefts, cycling accidents, and the number of well-maintained bike trails.

Wrexham scored badly in terms of the number of bike trails (144) and bike shops (20), as well as the annual bike thefts (199 reported in 2022) compared to the city's population.

Other cities that fared poorly in the study include Newport, Swansea, Lincoln, and Bradford.

At the other end of the scale, London is the best city for cyclists in the UK, boasting a relatively high average temperature (10.8°C), a large number of bike shops (300), and the most bike trails in the country (12,211).

A cycling expert at ProtectMyBike emphasises the importance of bike-friendly cities: "As a cyclist, I've seen firsthand the benefits of bike-friendly cities. When cities make it easy and safe to ride a bike, people are more likely to do it. This comes with a number of benefits - from the environmental impact of reduced traffic congestion and improved air quality to the social benefits of creating a community of cyclists who are more likely to interact with each other, boosting your mental well-being.

"Cities might not be able to change some of our criteria like the weather, but well-maintained bike trails can (and should) be invested in. When cities invest in bike infrastructure, such as bike lanes and paths, it makes it safer for people to ride their bikes. All cities should strive to be more bike-friendly: it's good for the environment, it's good for our health, and it's good for our communities."


A spokesperson for Wrexham Council said: "In 2022-2023 we attracted over £1.6m in funding to improve road safety, design new routes and enhance existing paths for active travel. We are dedicated to decarbonising transport in the county and improving the cycle infrastructure as well as looking at providing cycle training to pupils and adults.

“We also recently hosted the start and finish stage of the Tour of Britain 2023 cycle race. This included a tour village that was crammed with activities for cyclists, as well as multi agencies in attendance advising on a variety of issues including cycle safety, security and active travel.

“The recent Welsh Government reductions in speed limit of most 30mph areas to 20mph are not only designed to improve road safety, but are also aimed at improving air quality.”