A MOTORIST failed to give police a urine sample because of ongoing issues from torture during his days as a freedom fighter in Iran, a court heard.

Ali Tajik, of Queen Street in Leeswood, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday for sentence.

The 53-year-old had previously been found guilty of two counts of failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at around 5pm on June 11, 2022, A BMW 3 series was spotted "swerving and veering in lane" at Montgomery Road in Wrexham, as well as crossing the white centre line.

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The vehicle was stopped and the driver, Tajik, appeared to be under the influence of some kind of substance.

He was arrested and taken to Llay custody facility, where he ultimately failed to give a specimen of urine within the necessary time frame.

Then, on October 19, 2022, police were faced with a similar situation - but this time they encountered Tajik in the stationary vehicle after receiving concerns from the public.

He appeared "lifeless", slumped back in the driver's seat, and when he opened his eyes he seemed "confused" and lethargic.

Officers once again suspected he was under the influence of something and arrested him.

But in custody he claimed to have a needle phobia and so was asked to provide a specimen of urine - which he failed to do.

A probation officer told the court: "At the custody suite, he explained he had a phobia of needles which came from an operation he had as a child when in Iran.

"And he stated that when asked to give a urine sample, he found that difficult.

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"When he was in Iran, he was a freedom fighter and he was arrested and imprisoned for his actions.

"During that time, he was, in no uncertain terms, tortured - put in distress positions and hung upside down with water thrown at him and constantly dripped on him, as well as being physically assaulted.

"A psychiatric report confirms he had severe levels of PTSD.

"He also has an attitude that he is scared of those in authority.

"With what happened when he was tortured - the torture having involved water - he has an issue drinking water quickly and that's his version of why he couldn't provide a sample."

Tajik had told the probation service that in the later of the two incidents, he'd been "resting" in his car while his girlfriend had been out shopping and he had not been under the influence of anything.

And in the earlier incident, he denied there had been any bad driving.

The probation officer said Tajik is "very much adamant this is all a set-up."

Lorraine McClure, defending, told the court: "This man was found guilty in relation to both of these charges - so it is difficult on my part to offer mitigation.

"But he does have a previous good record.

"He is from Iran and he has been persecuted.

"I think authority is his biggest problem.

The Leader:

"He feels the police are perusing something against him."

The court handed down a £120 fine and £640 costs for each offence, as well as ordering Tajik to pay a £48 victim surcharge.

He was banned from driving for a year-and-a-half.