THE DEADLINE for the consultation over the provision of the future of emergency cover for North Wales Fire and Rescue (NWFRS) has been extended.

Over 1,100 people have now taken part in the public consultation to gather feedback from those who live, work and travel in the region.

Two of the three options include cutting the number of firefighters at its busiest station - Wrexham - from 52 to just 28 and axing the second whole-time fire engine.

A Fire Brigades Union spokesperson labelled the potential cuts as 'dangerous' while campaigners have vowed to fight the proposals in Wrexham.

Those who have yet to express their views now have until midnight on September 30 to have a say as the deadline is extended.

Chief Fire Officer Dawn Docx said: “I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has taken part in our consultation and to those who have been attending our community engagement events across the region to ask questions and to express their views.

“We are pleased that so many have completed our questionnaire, whether online or on paper, and are getting involved in our consultation process.

“However, we have been listening carefully to what you have said since we launched the consultation on 20 July and we want to ensure that everyone has the best chance possible to record what they think our emergency cover should look like in the future.

“We are conscious that there are still members of the public, local organisations and those who represent others in our communities who are keen to have more time to express their views.

“We have therefore taken the decision to extend the deadline to the end of September.”

Councillor Dylan Rees, Chair of the Fire and Rescue Authority, said: “The response so far is an indication of just how important this consultation is to everyone in North Wales and therefore we want to ensure we as an Authority have the best opportunity possible of understanding your views.


“Your feedback is important – and I urge everyone to make sure to make the most of this opportunity to let us know what you think about the options for providing emergency cover before the Fire Authority makes any final decisions about future provision.

“The more people get involved, the better our prospects of achieving the right balance of services and ensuring that the detailed action plans we develop will deliver exactly what the people of North Wales want.

“I also want to make it clear that both the Chief Fire Officer and I welcome any new ideas on what the future may look like and when it comes to any changes to emergency cover Authority members will consider all the feedback before making a final decision.”