Wrexham residents can share what they think about health and social care services in their community.

Wrexham Council, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) and the Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW) are looking at opportunities for setting up joint health and social care hubs.

These hubs will bring together health and social care teams to provide targeted, localised services. They might not necessarily be in a shared physical location – a ‘hub’ could be a network of local activities, or even teams working together virtually.

Councillor John Pritchard, Wrexham Council’s Lead Member for Adult Social Care, said: “The hubs will have wellbeing at their heart, with health and social care teams working together to give you access to the right support at the right time when you need it.

“But before the council, BCUHB and AVOW develop their ideas, we need to know more about people’s experiences.

“We want to understand how local services impact on your wellbeing, and if anything is preventing you from accessing services at the moment.

“We also want to know about priorities in your community, and opportunities for improvements.

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“If you have 10 minutes to spare, please fill in our survey. Your help is crucial and will help inform the development of wellbeing hubs across Wrexham.”

The survey is live until October 1 and the research is being undertaken by the NECS (North of England Care System Support), which is part of the NHS and specialises in developing innovative healthcare solutions.

It can be found here: https://www.yourvoicewrexham.com/kms/dmart.aspx?strTab=PrivacyStatement&PageType=item&filter_CampaignId=1940