MEMBERS of the public have asked to help identify off-road bikers caught on camera at Pandy Slag Heap.

The Leader reported last week how the North Wales Police Wrexham Rural team launched Operation Gravel in order to tackle the issue.

Officers have been visiting the site and have consulted residents on their views about bike use there.

A meeting is to be held this week between Wrexham Council, North Wales Police and Gwersyllt South Councillor Pete Howell to discuss the future use of the site.

On Saturday, the Wrexham Rural team issued an appeal after having received a picture of several off-road bikers at the site.

A spokesman explained: "Please view the pictures - if you can identify the helmet, clothing or bikes then please email

The Leader: Off-road bikers pictured at the site (North Wales Police)Off-road bikers pictured at the site (North Wales Police) (Image: North Wales Police)

"This is in relation to Op Gravel, off road bikes on the Pandy slag heaps.

"Thanks for your help and assistance in making the area a safer place."

However, the site was quieter over the weekend generally.

The team issued an update on Sunday, explaining: "Officers have attended at the Pandy Slag Heap this weekend, along with the drone.

"We are pleased to say it was clear of any bikes!

The Leader: An off-road biker pictured at the site (North Wales Police)An off-road biker pictured at the site (North Wales Police) (Image: NWP)

"Please continue to advise officers of what is going on in the area, with descriptions and pictures if possible of the offenders.  

"We thank you for your continued support and Op Gravel will continue."

Wrexham Rural Inspector Matt Subacchi told the Leader last week of his hopes for the forthcoming meeting with Wrexham Council.

He explained: "I need to understand who owns the land and what is allowed and not allowed - to ensure people are safe and that we provide a service to both the residents and those who want to ride their bikes safely and legally."

The Inspector had personally been out to the site with Cllr Howell to consult residents about the situation.

Cllr Howell confirmed he had received complaints from residents - mainly about noise.

Despite that, he said, some he spoke to understood why the bikers were using Pandy Slag Heap - adding they would rather they did that than use the roads illegally.