STAFFand governors at a Flintshire primary school have shared their pride at the findings of their latest Estyn report.

Ysgol Trelawnyd VA School had its inspection in May. The report highlights that: "Trelawnyd Church in Wales School is a happy, caring and inclusive school where pupils work and play together confidently.

"Staff have worked hard to create a calm and nurturing ethos, which contributes to effective learning. Pupils say that they feel safe, secure, and happy in school. They form strong relationships with adults and one another and show respect and courtesy for all members of the school community. This leads to strong engagement in the life of the school and in their own learning."


Ysgol Trelawnyd VA School pupils Cari and Daisie with the schools Estyn report.

Ysgol Trelawnyd VA School pupils Cari and Daisie with the school's Estyn report.


When evaluating teaching and learning experiences, inspectors identified that staff develop close working relationships with pupils, which foster a positive and supportive environment for learning, creating a positive effect on pupils' progress and wellbeing.

The report added that teachers have good subject knowledge and use a variety of effective teaching methods to stimulate and encourage pupils to learn. Also that support staff work alongside teachers skilfully and contribute effectively to pupils' learning.

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Wellbeing is a strength of the school, nearly all pupils enjoy coming to school and are confident in the school environment. They have a strong sense of pride and belonging within their school and community.

Pupil voice is important and many pupils make good use of opportunities to develop their leadership skills through a range of roles and committees, for example the School Council, the Digi-squad and the Criw Cymraeg. Pupils feel they have a positive influence on school life, for example when creating pupil friendly policies linked to safeguarding and ALN.

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The report showed that nearly all pupils demonstrate positive attitudes when participating in community events, they are proud of their efforts in support of local and national charities. They demonstrate a good understanding of cultural diversity, for example when learning about different religions. They have a clear understanding of the impact of natural disasters and some of the ethical issues facing the world, such as the need to protect the rainforest.

Staff work hard to ensure the school provides a calm, caring and nurturing environment where pupils feel safe, happy and ready to learn. This is underpinned by Christian values and leads to a highly inclusive school culture where the needs of nearly all pupils are prioritised.

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Leadership is another strength of the school. The report added: "The headteacher provides effective leadership and a clear strategic direction for the school. She has a clear vision based on the school's motto 'Working Together in God's family'.

"She conveys this vision successfully to staff, pupils, governors and pupils. Together, they model effectively the values and aspiration that the school community encourages, such as respect, ambition and collaboration. This contributes positively to a strong team ethic and mutual respect between pupils and adults working at the school."

Read more: Flintshire primary school praised in Estyn inspection report

Headteacher Marina Parsons said: "I am delighted the Estyn inspection team found our school to be a happy and supportive environment. We value getting to know our pupils individually, have strong links with our families and work with partners in the community to create a sense of family and belonging.

"It was wonderful that the inspectors noticed that nearly all pupils show positive attitudes to learning, talk enthusiastically about their work and that they are ambitious, confident and independent learners who persevere well and seek alternative solution when a first attempt fails."

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"Staff work together to plan rich learning experiences which reflect the children's interests and have established a curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils. I am privileged to lead a team who are dedicated, hardworking and collaborate well to ensure pupil wellbeing is at the heart of their work.

"I would like to thank everyone involved with the school, including staff, parents, governors, community members, and most especially our brilliant pupils for their support in making our school a happy place to 'work together'."

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Chair of governors, Gaenor Johnson, added at the time: "This is an excellent report which recognises, acknowledges and praises the high standard of teaching, ethos and wellbeing at Ysgol Trelawnyd.

"Congratulations to the headteacher and all staff for their dedication and commitment."

Sadly Mrs Johnson died this summer, with Miss Parsons adding: "Our wonderful chair of governors Mrs Gaenor Johnson suddenly passed away during the summer. All of the staff, pupils, parents and governors wish to express our gratitude for her dedicated and long-standing service to our lovely school.

"She will be greatly missed and always admired. Diolch yn fawr, Mrs Johnson!"