THE NUMBER of Afghan refugees taken in by Wrexham and Flintshire councils has been revealed.

The figures come as a humanitarian organisation has warned that the UK Government is failing vulnerable Afghan refugees.

In response to the Taliban retaking control of the country, the Government launched two schemes to relocate Afghan citizens in 2021 and 2022.

These schemes have a particular focus on helping those who worked with the UK during the war in Afghanistan, and vulnerable groups.

New figures from the Home Office show more than 20,000 Afghans fleeing the conflict have settled in the UK through the two schemes, at the end of June.

The International Rescue Committee UK said the numbers “reveal the shocking reality of the Government’s failure to provide protection for vulnerable Afghans”.

For comparison, the Homes for Ukraine scheme – which offers temporary accommodation to Ukrainians escaping the Russian invasion – has seen more than 120,000 arrivals across the UK since it launched by the end of June.

That included 121 due to stay with families in Flintshire and 128 in Wrexham.

In comparison, the figures have revealed that Flintshire has taken in almost 100 Afghans.

Of them, 85 lived in Flintshire – an increase from the 74 living in the area in March.

Meanwhile, just 17 lived in Wrexham – the same number as were living in the area in March. 


Separate Home Office figures show at least 1,474 Afghan nationals arrived in the UK in small boats from January to June.

Meanwhile, there were 6,575 Afghans in hotels or serviced accommodation by the end of June – half of whom were children, figures show.

They were given a deadline to leave hotels by the end of August – Cabinet Office minister Johnny Mercer admitted earlier this month that the announcement had been controversial, but said it had been made “with compassion in mind” to get people into permanent accommodation.

The Home Office said it is continuing to work to locate and help those at risk settle in the UK.

A spokesperson said: “No one should be risking their lives by crossing the Channel or taking dangerous and illegal routes to reach the UK – there are safe and legal routes to come here.

“The number of Afghans which the UK has committed to resettling under the ACRS scheme is generous, and greater than many of our international counterparts.”

Flintshire County Council Chief Officer for Housing and Communities, Vicky Clark, said: “Flintshire is a County of Sanctuary and we have a proven track record of supporting refugees who are escaping war and persecution.

"We are currently providing wraparound support to 16 households in Flintshire under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP), some of whom have been in ‘Bridging Accommodation’ in Wales.

"In addition, we continue to work with partners meeting the needs of Ukrainians in Flintshire, either under the Homes for Ukraine programme or as part of the Welsh Super Sponsor route.”

Wrexham Council's website states that Wrexham 'has a long tradition of supporting and welcoming those seeking sanctuary going back to post WWII with our Polish community in Penley'.

It adds that it 'has been a dispersal area for people seeking asylum for many years and in more recent years has also delivered the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme'.

As a result, the council and third sector organisations are 'well prepared to cater for their needs on arrival and assist those that begin their lives in Wales and adjust to living in a different culture very different to their own'.

Wrexham Council has been approached for further comment.

Groups like Refugee Kindness, SHARE and City of Sanctuary also support refugees in north Wales.