A Wrexham Councillor is set to take part in the Great North Run for vital diabetes research. 

Councillor Pete Howell, County Councillor for Gwersyllt South Ward, is running the Great North Run on September, 10, along with his wife Alexis to raise much needed funds for Diabetes UK.

Cllr Howell said: "We have friends with diabetes, and we both worked at Wrexham Maelor Hospital where we were involved in the diagnosis and ongoing treatment of patients with diabetes.

"I also worked for a Global healthcare Company with a specific focus on diabetes and its associated medical therapeutics."

The Leader:

Cllr Howell and his wife Alexis will be lining up with 60,000 other runners, at which is the biggest half marathon race in the world.

The couple have already raised £500 going beyond their initial target of £285. Their fundraising page can be visited here.

Nearly 5 million people in the UK live with diabetes, and additionally, it is thought that over 900,000 people could be living with diabetes who are yet to be diagnosed.


The complications of diabetes are life changing, including retinopathy, kidney damage, neuropathy, heart attack and stroke, and potential for amputation.

Diabetes UK is active in the education and support for patients with diabetes, as well as vital research to improve diabetic control and treatment, and potentially a cure one day.