DANGEROUS blue-green algae is present at a pond in a popular Flintshire park.

Connah's Quay Angling Club has taken to social media to warn people that the algae is affecting Rosie pool, in Wepre Park.

A spokesperson said: "Can we ask that all anglers take care while fishing the Rosie, we have confirmation that Blue-Green Algae Toxins are present, this is normal in inland waters but extra precautions should be taken during the blooms."

Blue-green algae can produce toxins. Toxin producing blooms are called Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). These toxins can kill wild animals, farm livestock and domestic pets. 


Dogs are at risk from blue-green algae if they swim in or drink contaminated water, or if they get algae caught in their fur and ingest it while cleaning themselves later on. This is because blooms of blue-green algae can produce harmful toxins which stop a dog’s liver from functioning properly.

Exposure to toxic blue-green algae is often fatal and it can cause long term health problems in dogs that survive. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea, seizures, drooling, breathing dificulties and loss of consciousness

In humans, they can cause rashes after skin contact and illnesses if swallowed. Not all blue-green algae blooms are toxic, but you can’t tell just by looking at them, so it’s best to assume they are.