BETSI Cadwaladr Health Board is hoping improvements will be made to the 'challenging' parking situation at the Maelor Hospital in the coming months. 

Parking issues have been ongoing at the hospital in Wrexham for a number of years, with patients and staff unable to find spaces in the available car parks. 

This leads to people being forced to park on pavements, double yellow lines and grass verges in attempts to make an appointment or arrive to work on time. 

This continued to be the case when the Leader attended the site yesterday (Friday, August 25).

The Leader: Parking at the Maelor. Parking at the Maelor. (Image: NQ staff)

Last year, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board vowed to improve the 'dreadful' parking situation at the hospital, however, a year on the issues continue. 

There are hopes that Plas Goroau, a site purchased by the health board last year will facilitate in bringing positive change to hospital parking, however, that is still months away according to health chiefs. 


Plas Gororau is a 44,186 sqft building on the technology park with 212 car parking spaces, and is only a six-minute walk from the hospital’s main entrance.  

Michelle Greene, East Integrated Health Community Director at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, said: “We fully appreciate how challenging car parking can be for patients, visitors and staff and we do not underestimate the stress and anxiety it can cause. 

"We are actively looking at a range of solutions to address the issue of car parking.

"Also, later this year we will begin to relocate some services currently provided at the hospital to Plas Gororau, which has 200 additional car parking spaces. This development will play an important role in alleviating car parking pressures at the hospital.”