A PETITION has been set up following concerns that firefighter cuts in Flintshire 'could lead to accidents and deaths'. 

It comes following the North Wales Fire Authority's proposals to cut some services in an attempt to improve emergency cover. 

A number of full-time jobs in Wrexham and Deeside are at risk.

There are three options available in the proposal, all of which include losing the night shift at Deeside station. 

North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority (NWFRA) is currently consulting the public on emergency cover across the region.

Petitions and campaigns have been launched in Wrexham, with Plaid Cymru leading a strong opposition against the cuts. 

Now, a Flintshire resident has set up a petition in support of the Deeside station. 


Mell Jones had an encounter with the Fire Service following an incident this year, during which she was thoroughly impressed by their work. 

Following the talks of cuts in the proposal, she felt that the public would be put at risk if the Deeside cuts were implemented. 

She said: "Our firefighters in Deeside are being stood down and for what?

"They are a very important part of our community - people will die in fires as a result of this because they will take longer to attend.

"Our firefighters do an amazing job and we need to support them, there are hundreds of new houses being built but they are also taking away essential needs, please support this petition and save our local firefighters.

"We live in a very volatile world at the minute, hence why we need our fire service.

"Elderly people and disabled people would be at risk if the fire service were to be located further away, it's putting pensioners' lives at risk as well.

"The reaction to the petition has been amazing, we just need to get more signatures and highlight the brilliant work the fire service are doing."