A WOMAN who used abusive language towards the new partner of her ex boyfriend has been fined.

Kirsty Gardener, of no fixed abode, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday morning.

The 38-year-old admitted that on February 19, she used threatening or abusive words or behaviour in Cefn Mawr.

She also admitted that on June 30, she failed to comply with the terms of a community protection notice.

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Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that the victims in the case are Angela Goodwin and Craig Mack.

Mr Mack was in a relationship with the defendant for some 18 years until they broke up at the beginning of this year - and Ms Goodwin is Mr Mack's current partner, as well as Gardener's former friend.

On December 19, the defendant encountered the victim outside her (Ms Goodwin's) home

Gardener shouted: "Get the f*** away you home-wrecking b****. You skank."

The defendant continued to scream and shout, and fearing she was about to be assaulted, Ms Goodwin tried to get back into her house.

Meanwhile, Gardener went to a large ceramic plant pot.

She was fortunately not able to lift the pot, but the victim was nevertheless "clearly in fear" it was about to be used as a weapon.

After Ms Goodwin got back into her property, Gardener banged on the door and shouted: "Come on, just me and you."

A community protection notice was imposed in May to prohibit the defendant from contacting Mr Mack or Ms Goodwin, including by social media.

But on June 30, she uploaded a video to her Facebook profile referencing Mr Mack.

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In his victim statement, which was read to the court, Mr Mack said: "The whole situation has left me feeling anxious, distressed and fearing for my safety," whilst Ms Goodwin said she felt "depressed and isolated," and wasn't able to leave her home without anticipating an incident.

Emma Simoes, defending, told the court: "There are always two sides to every story.

"There have been difficulties following the breakdown in the relationship.

"She was invested in an 18-year-old relationship when on Christmas Day, she found out her partner had been unfaithful - with her very best friend of ten years.

The Leader:

"She has worked as a senior care practitioner for a number of years but due to an ankle injury is not currently able to work."

The Magistrates handed the defendant fines totalling £160 and ordered her to pay a £64 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

"This is your opportunity to ensure your life changes," Magistrates Chair Ann Snowden told the defendant.

"Go away and make the best of what you've got."