A FLINTSHIRE primary school has been handed a positive Estyn inspection report.

Inspectors praised Cornist Park CP School, in Flint, as being is a "happy and caring community" where "pupils work and play together confidently". 


The report states that most pupils make good progress in their learning during their time in school. Pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) progress well from their individual starting points and achieve well against their personal targets.

It states that "many pupils show enthusiasm for writing" and mostly "develop their mathematical skills well".

Well-being and attitudes to learning:

The report states that nearly all pupils enjoy coming to school and are confident in the school environment, and feel "well supported" by staff.

"Most pupils are happy and proud of their school and show positive attitudes to their learning," it added.

The Leader: Cornist Park School, FlintCornist Park School, Flint (Image: Google)

Teaching and learning experiences:

The report states that the school has a "clear, shared vision for learning" that reflects the "principles and culture of the Curriculum for Wales".

Staff create "attractive and engaging learning areas" and "create a calm, purposeful atmosphere" where "pupils feel safe to make mistakes and ask for help".


Care, support and guidance:

The report states that the school is a "happy, caring, and nurturing community" where staff and pupils show a "high level of respect and care for each other".

Leadership and management:

It states the headteacher has a "clear vision, provides strong leadership, and sets a clear strategic direction for the school", and is "well supported" by senior staff. 

It added: "Leaders model professional values and behaviour that contribute purposefully to effective collaboration amongst staff. This results in a strong team ethos where dedicated, hardworking staff collaborate effectively. Together they have created a positive safeguarding culture and a welcoming, nurturing environment where pupils feel safe and valued. This leads to mutual support and respect between staff and pupils."

The report can be read in full at https://bit.ly/3QLgJIi.

For recommendations, the report states that the school, which has 281 pupils, needs to ensure that teaching provides appropriate challenge for all pupils and that feedback is effective in helping them further improve their work.

Other recommendations:

  • Further develop opportunities for pupils to make decisions about how they organise and present their work and to decide for themselves how they respond to learning tasks.
  • Further develop the curriculum to ensure that the school provides a systematic whole school approach to the development of pupils’ Welsh language skills and their use of numeracy skills across the curriculum.