WREXHAM'S esteemed litter pickers have discovered an unusual item in their routine city clean.

The infamous Stansty tunnel situated in Rhosddu is known by local residents for posing the dilemma of whether cars ought to drive through in a single file or not. 

While some drivers patiently wait their turn, others more daring take the risk and allow two cars going in opposite directions to pass down the narrow road.

And yet, that risk doesn't always pay off as Wrexham's litter picker volunteers have discovered several wing mirrors scattered on the ground in the area.

On Thursday's pick, volunteers collected five wing mirrors from cars evidently driving through Stansty tunnel in a hurry, leaving them on the ground to be collected with other rubbish in the area.

On Twitter, one Wrexham resident described it as "the wing mirror graveyard" while another said "I've almost lost my wing mirror a few times cause people push through."

Others continued the debate of how many cars can pass safely.

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Rich Edwards said: "Back in the good old days, two cars could fly through. Cars are getting bigger though so it’s a new sport out there" while someone else commented, "I don't know why they don't put pedestrian walkway bridge over the train tracks and widen the road out."

A Wrexham Council spokesperson said: “We understand the section of road which passes under the Stansty Crossing is difficult sometimes, especially in peak times.

"We ask that drivers are courteous to each other and allow enough room for vehicles coming towards them to pass without incident.”