READERS have had their say on a suggested road closure change for Wrexham AFC match days.

The Leader reported earlier this week how concerns had been raised over the safety of parking near the Racecourse on match days.

And yesterday we reported on comments made by Wrexham Inspector Luke Hughes in respect of traffic management.

READ MOREWrexham Inspector says matchday traffic management 'needs a review'

Inspector Hughes said: "I think we need to push back one of the closures towards the sorting office, and I see no reason when foot traffic is light that traffic should not flow to the left on Mold Road. 

"But only from the roads opposite the speed camera and up towards the B&Q roundabout. 

"All will be fed back to the traffic management company who I’m sure are doing their best, we are all learning."

He also stated he'd discovered some residents "renting their drives out using a parking app" - which he applauded but said creates "a slightly different dynamic."

Readers took to the Leader's Facebook page to have their say on the Inspector's comments.

Elizabeth Jones: "Good idea," while Tony Lee said: "Open the old car park in town. It's only down the road from the football ground."

Katie Fanson said: "I live by the football ground (moved about three months ago) and I don’t find any issues.

"People park in our street; the neighbours just put a cone out to stop people blocking their driveways or to keep their parking space if they need to pop out, no issues at all!"

READ MORE: Wrexham AFC - Concerns raised over match day parking

Claire Griffiths said: "Why buy a house by a football ground if you're going to complain about traffic? It was there way before most of the houses."

Aline Briffa said: "We have lived in Maesgwyn Road for 40 years because it was close to where my husband worked. 

"When we bought our home people respected the people who lived in the streets by the ground and parked in proper car parks. 

"Now people are just selfish and park where they please for hours on end and before you tell me that as long as a car is taxed it is ok to park anywhere I already know this. 

"I can assure you you would soon get fed up if people did it outside your home. 

"If you go to a huge [number] of football grounds around the country they have resident only parking in streets close to the ground which is what should happen in Wrexham."

Gareth Jones: "There was a football stadium there long before the moaners were."

Wendy Williams-Cooper said: "I think it depends as on Maesgwyn Road, Lilac Way, Primrose Way, Yale Park and Windsor Drive, residents are being blocked in on their drives, fans are double parking so emergency services can't get down, people are parking on corners where they are bad blind spots, on pavements, parking bumper to bumper to residents. 

"Fans are moving cones that council are even putting out let alone residents cones.

"But if fans were to park correctly and not do any of the above no one would have an issue."