An abusive man who displayed a "brothel pricing list" at a women's shelter has been jailed.

Samual Allan, of Riverside Park in Garden City, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday via video link from HMP Berwyn.

The 34-year-old had previously entered not guilty pleas to offences of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour and breaching a criminal behaviour order (CBO).

But at his latest hearing he changed those pleas to guilty.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that Allan was issued with the CBO by Llandudno Magistrates Court in 2020 and one of its conditions prohibits him from using foul, abusive or threatening language.

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On July 14, North Wales Police received a call reporting two males fighting in the car park of Sainsbury's in Flint.

Officers attended the scene but the men had left.

The incident had been captured on CCTV however, and once reviewed, the defendant was identified.

Then on August 11, he attended a women's shelter and was causing issues by shouting and swearing.

When the police arrived, they found him sitting on a bench with a bottle of beer.

Asked what he'd been doing, he replied: "Nothing."

But officers received witness accounts about his abusive behaviour, and it was discovered he'd displayed a 'brothel pricing list' under one of the property's windows.

"Clearly that is a breach of the CBO," Mr Espie said.

The offences before the court also put Allan in breach of a suspended sentence order.

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Ceri Lewis, defending, told the court her client claimed the fight in Sainsbury's car park had been a "playfight" with his cousin, and that they'd been "messing about" - but that he accepted those who saw it may have felt threatened.

Regarding the offence at the women's shelter, Mr Lewis said the foul and abusive words he used on the day was something he considers "everyday language" - something he'd picked up during the "revolving door" experience of going in and out of custody and apologised for.

She explained: "He has significant mental health problems and is not helped by intoxication.

"He is not getting any help in custody. He does need the help of the probation service."

Ms Lewis said her client had "never had the chance to prove himself" and that his "continual return to custody is having an effect on his mental health."

The Leader:

The court activated the breached 16-week suspended sentence order in full and imposed a consecutive 16 weeks for the breach of the CBO.

A concurrent eight-week sentence was handed down for the Sainsbury's car park incident, making a total sentence of 32 weeks to be served immediately.

Allan must also pay a £154 victim surcharge.

At the conclusion of the hearing, Allan told the court: "Makes sense. You give me more jail all the time.

"You're just institutionalising me."