A MAN who led a "campaign of terror" against a Wrexham woman during an abusive relationship has been jailed.

Jerry Berry, of Alnwick Drive, Ellesmere Port, appeared before Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Wednesday (August 16).

The 35-year-old had, at a previous hearing, admitted engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and harassment in Wrexham.

David Mainstone, prosecuting, said that 25-year-old Amy Rae was subjected to instances of violence after beginning a relationship with Berry in the summer of 2021. 

This began in August 2021 when Berry threw a large bottle of alcohol at Miss Rae during an argument at her property in Caia Park, causing bruising to her bottom.

In September 2021, Berry struck Miss Rae, pulled her hair and then stamped on her as she lay on the floor. 

On another occasion, Berry struck Miss Rae in the face with the back of his hand as they drove home - which left her with cuts in her mouth as she was wearing braces at the time. 

In April 2023, Miss Rae had been out walking in Erddig. Berry arrived in his car, asking Miss Rae to get in it. He then drove at her, opening the car door which struck Miss Rae, knocking her to the ground. Miss Rae got up, but Berry threw her to the ground again and kicked her in the ribs. The court heard the attack left her curled up in a ball, unable to breathe. She later had to go to hospital due to the pain in her ribs. 

Miss Rae was at home with two men on another occasion. Berry arrived carrying a wooden bat that he had with him in the car. He then used it to smash Miss Rae's table and struck her to the knee, leaving a bruise. Berry also verbally abused her.

On a separate occasion, Berry arrived at Miss Rae's property. He was drunk and was verbally abusive. He grabbed her around the throat and "writhed her around like a doll" and slapped her in the face multiple times.

In addition to these instances of violence, the court was told that Berry would regularly check Miss Rae's phone - with jealousy said to be a "theme throughout the relationship". Berry told her not to wear certain clothes and to see certain members of her family. 


On May 8, 2023, Berry arrived at Miss Rae's property and before she could lock the door he gained entry. He stood in front of the door with clenched fists before knocking Miss Rae unconscious. She woke up in the living room with bruises all over body and lumps on her head, as well as feeling pain in her jaw.

After the incident, Miss Rae left the property and went to a refuge. Berry constantly tried to call her using a withheld number. On one occasion, Miss Rae answered the phone, thinking it may be the police. Berry told her that he would "find her". 

Miss Rae changed her number, and being away from her address, Berry attended and broke the windows. 

During police interview on May 20, Berry, who has 21 previous convictions for 78 offences, claimed that he was the victim and that Miss Rae had physically and verbally abused him.

In a victim personal statement on behalf of Miss Rae read out to the court, she said Berry "terrorised" her.

Philip Tulley, defending, said Berry acknowledges that his behaviour was "totally unacceptable" and that he expresses remorse for his actions. Mr Tulley issued an apology to Miss Rae on behalf of his client. 

Mr Tulley said that, whilst not wishing to "dilute" the seriousness of the offence, none of the assaults led to serious physical injury, and neither do reports state they led to serious psychological harm. 

He added that Berry now accepts that the relationship has ended and does not wish to make any further contact with Miss Rae. 

Judge Rhys Rowlands said that Berry inflicted a "campaign of terror" against his victim. 

"It involved serious violence, threats and intimidation," he said. 

Judge Rowlands sentenced Berry to four years imprisonment - half of which he will serve in custody, the other half on licence.