AN annual gardening competition has been launched for greenfingered residents in a Wrexham community.

The Caia Park Environmental Group and Caia Park Community Council garden competition started nine 1998 and has gone from strength to strength. It has continued to developed, despite a three-year gap due to the covid pandemic.

It began with three categories and now has 12, opening the competition up to give more people a chance to enter and include the five wards of Caia Park.

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It also includes children from the Caia Park school, with a mini tray garden competition based on the theme of The Coronation, which were displayed at the Caia Park Environmental Day and judged by Lesley Griffiths MS and Julie Francis WCBC chief officer of housing services.

To enable everyone to take part categories include Most Improved Garden, Neat and Tidy Garden and the Best Overall Garden in the competition.

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To enter the competition the garden must be in Caia Park and an entry form can be obtained from the Caia Estate Office and the Caia Park Partnership on Prince Charles Road, and also returned to them. The gardens will be judged and the final 10 will then be judged by an independent judge.

Dorothy Mitchell, founder of the garden competition and chair of Caia Park Environmental Group, said: "It's amazing how popular the garden competition has become over the years and how well this year's launch was supported.

"The competition concludes with a presentation evening when the winner of this year's competition will be announced. All the best to everyone for taking part in this year's competition."