TWO music and football fans from Wrexham have released an original song to raise money for two important charities that are close to home.

The song 'My Town' written by Dale Irving, 47, and Osian Jones, 16, co-wrote, has been released in order to raise funds for the Wrexham Foodbank and Andy's Man Club Wrexham.

Their initial target is £600 of which over £200 has been raised so far. By downloading the song digitally for a total of £5, you could be in with the chance of winning a £200 christmas present of your choosing.

The two charities, focusing on food poverty and male mental health hold a special meaning to both Dale and Osian's families. 

Dale, from Borras, said: "Osian lost his Dad a few years back, and mental health is an important subject for everyone, especially for men who are more reluctant to speak out.

"What Andy's Man Club does throughout the country is incredible. 

"We're hoping this song raises awareness and money for both charities. We all know how vital Wrexham Foodbank is to our town as well."

Osian, from Wrexham, is a former student of Dale's who teachers the guitar at Pick Up and Play, who now tutors in Saturday lessons alongside him.

Dale continues: "We've become really good friends over the last few years and to do this song with him is something very special and something we are both very proud of.

"We're hoping as many people will listen to this song and download or donate as possible. Osian's sister, Lili, plays for the women's team and their dad, Gareth, was a massive Wrexham fan, so we'd love for the football club to hear it."


The song generated a lot of love and support from Wrexham residents on social media.

On Facebook, Andrewa Whittam said: "Well done Dale and Osian and all involved, the pictures and song are absolutely fantastic! Brilliant! Already downloaded after hearing it last week. It was in my head all day!"

Emma Parry said: "Amazing - I hope the fans sing your song loud this season at every game."