A FRAUDSTER has been warned all sentencing options remain open after he admitted five offences relating to the Department of Work and Pensions.

Craig Pickett, of Bell Court in Wrexham, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Friday.

The 25-year-old admitted five counts of fraud, all of which involved him making false representations to the DWP in 2019 and 2020.

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James Coutts, defending, told the court: "He is in full time employment and has paid some of the money back.

"It stopped when he stopped work but he's willing to restart that arrangement.

"He's clearly pleaded guilty to dishonesty matters."

Mr Coutts asked Recorder Simon Mills to adjourn the hearing in order for his client to speak to probation workers for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

The Leader:

Recorder Mills told the defendant: "I am not in a position to sentence today - all options are open for the court including passing an immediate custodial sentence.

"The fact I am adjourning for a report should tell you nothing about the type of sentence you are going to receive.

"It's simply so the court has enough information about you."
Pickett will be back in court to be sentenced on September 14.