A Connahs Quay woman has lost over seven stone in weight since joining Slimming World last year.

Wendy Ellis joined her local group in May 2022 and hasn’t looked back.

She said: “Since joining Slimming World, I spend less money on food than I used to. I found the Food Optimising eating plan was flexible enough to fit around my life and I can still eat the food I enjoy so I never feel hungry.

“I used to buy takeaway burgers but now I make my own, the children love picking different types to try. So as well as losing weight, I’m also saving money.”

Wendy said that being in a group with people like her, and from the same area made her realise she “wasn’t alone” in her weight loss journey. The group helps ach other with tips on where to find the best deal locally and they help each other to stay motivated.

She explained: “Walking through the doors for the first time I felt nervous, but with the help of my Consultant Emily and the other members at my Thursday morning Quay Building Connahs Quay group I soon felt at ease.

“They were so welcoming and understood exactly how I felt. I never felt judged, they are my greatest cheerleaders and help me celebrate every success and support me with any set backs.”


Wendy’s Thursday night is now spent planning her meals with her family for the week ahead using her recipe books, the Slimming World magazine and the Slimming World App putting her shopping list together as she goes along.

 She then orders her shopping online making sure she only buys the ingredients she needs, so she is not tempted by special offers and all the treats by the till.

On the biggest change sisnce joining her group, Wendy said: “My self confidence, not just how I look, but the person I have become.

“I can run for the bus, walk up and the stairs easily without having to come down one stair at a time with my back up against the wall to help with my balance. Oh and I can shop in the high street!

“I have so much to be grateful for by joining Slimming World, I have been inspired by so many fellow members and feel truly humbled by all the support and help I have received throughout my journey.  

“I would encourage anyone wanting to lose weight to go and join a group, as they’ll be made to feel welcome, make new friends and learn fabulous, easy, flexible ways of losing lbs, whilst saving pounds.”