A WOMAN who was caught behind the wheel whilst eight times the drug-drive limit had "dabbled" in cocaine while she was suspended from work, a court heard.

Kerry Mealor, of Highfield Road in Bagillt, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 42-year-old admitted that on May 29 at Mostyn, she drove a BMW motor vehicle on a road when the proportion of Benzoylecgonine (BZE, a cocaine breakdown product) exceeded the specified limit.

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Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that on the day in question, police on patrol at around 1.30am spotted the defendant driving on the A548 and stopped her due to her appearing to travel at "excessive speed."

She provided a positive roadside sample for cocaine and following her arrest, she provided an evidential sample of no less than 400 microgrammes of BZE per litre of blood - the limit being 50.

The defendant was a woman of previous good character, the court heard.

Gary Harvey, defending, told the court his client "didn't recall speeding."

He added Mealor - who works for Flintshire Council as a carer - had been going through "a difficult time with work."

She'd been suspended whilst an allegation, which has since been resolved, was investigated.

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The Leader:

And during that time, she "did dabble in drugs," Mr Harvey said - particularly cocaine.

Mr Harvey added his client expects she will lose her job following the conclusion of the case.

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "So many people think taking drugs is ok - but driving whilst under the influence or whilst having drugs in your system has significant consequences.

"You will pay the price of that."

Mealor was banned from driving for 18 months and ordered to pay a fine of £220, costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £88.