A MAN has been jailed for leaving his former partner 'beaten up badly' after an attack.

Philip Delaney, 35, of no fixed abode, appeared before Caernarfon Crown Court via videolink from HMP Berwyn on Thursday, August 10.

He previously pleaded guilty to actual bodily harm (ABH), theft, possession of cannabis and two counts of assault by beating at Wrexham Magistrates Court on July 14.

The offences took place in Wrexham during Delaney's 18-month relationship with Sioned Evans.

Karl Scholz, prosecuting in the case, told the court that the relationship was one made up of 'physical and emotional abuse'.

The first incident occurred on February 26 of this year when Ms Evans had attempted to break up a fight between Delaney and his sister and the defendant proceeded to punch his former partner in the face.


On March 15, the police were called for the first time by Ms Evans who said that Delaney had assaulted her five days prior to the call.

The defendant had made 'offensive comments' about Ms Evans' father and when she told him he had 'no right to do so', he again punched her to the face.

He then followed her to the bedroom, where he grabbed her by the hair.

That incident had left her with bruising to her left eye, left cheek and shoulder, according to Mr Scholz.

Two days later, at around 1am on March 17, Delaney arrived at Ms Evans' home and was banging on the door and shouting. He was subsequently arrested by police and released on bail.

He breached the conditions of that bail the same day when he attended Ms Evans' flat, where he got washed, changed and left.

Mr Scholz said that his became a regular occurrence, with Ms Evans feeling 'too scared and intimidated' to 'do anything about it'.

May 4 was when the ABH charge arose, but it wasn't until the next day that Ms Evans would arrive at her sister's house.

Her sister called the police after the complainant arrived and had been 'beaten up badly'.

The Leader:

Ms Evans revealed that she had been repeatedly punched to the head by Delaney in an incident which she estimated lasted around 30 minutes.

She also said that the defendant had been 'biting her leg' during the attack, which left her with a swollen left eye and a bruised back.

In a completely separate incident on May 18, Delaney entered the Londis shop at the Ruabon Service Station.

Whilst there, he helped himself to three steaks and a box of beers, costing £27.28, and walked out without paying.

On May 23, he was taken into custody, and while there, a quantity of cannabis and a cannabis grinder were found to be in his possession.

Delaney had inititally pleaded not guilty to the ABH and assault by beating charges - but changed his plea to guilty on his trial day of July 14.

Mr Scholz described Ms Evans as a 'clearly vulnerable woman who was fearful of him (Delaney)."

Simon Parry, defending, conceded that the defendant was someone who had 'shown a lack of acceptance' in relation to the offences.

Mr Parry added that Delaney was someone who had 'profound learning difficulties', as well as alcohol issues - something he had been addressing in custody through alcohol courses.

Passing down sentence, Judge Timothy Petts stated: "You are clearly someone who has had a long and problematic relationship with alcohol."

Delaney was sentenced to 27 months in jail for the ABH charge.

He was also given nine weeks and 18 weeks respectively for the two assault by beating charges, which will run concurrently.

He faced no separate penalty for the theft, but will have to pay back the £27.28 to the shop and also faced no separate penalty for the possession of cannabis, which has been forfeited and destroyed.

A restraining order was made by the Judge and will last for a period of ten years.